Due to inclement weather, the Weston campus will have adjusted operations on Sunday, February 16. For more information, visit regiscollege.edu/weather.
The Bursar and the Office of Student Accounts are responsible for student and non-student billing, and cash receipt collection. Billing includes student tuition and fees, housing and food (as assessed by the Office of Residence Life), and other charges. Cash receipt collections include payments for the items mentioned above. Employees of this office are dedicated to the mission of the university and serving its students.
All bills must be paid by the due date or upon receipt recorded on the billing statement or as displayed on the Regis Hub. Upon receipt means payable when received or posted to Regis Hub. Fall bills are generated in July with a due date in August, spring bills are generated mid-December with a due date in January, and summer bills are generated in April and due in May. For the exact due date, please log into the Hub and click on Student Finance to view the available statement and due date.
All statements are posted electronically through the Hub under Student Finance. Paper statements will not be mailed. Fall bills are generated in July with a due date in August, spring bills are generated mid-December with a due date in January, and summer bills are generated in April and due in May.
To access your bill, simply log into Regis Hub using your Regis login credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the Student Finance section, where you will find an Account Summary. This is where you can detail into each semester, make a payment, or access the Helpful Links section.
To view an itemized view of that semester’s charges, payments, and financial aid, click on the semester link (i.e., 2023 Fall Reporting). This will open the Account Activity section for the specific semester selected. Clicking on the gray headers (Charges, Payments, and Financial Aid) will expand the section with itemized information. Clicking the “View Statement” link in the upper-right corner of this page will generate the official statement as a PDF in a new window, which you can download, save, or print, for your records.
Eligible students will receive the 1098-T form every January. Students can opt-in to receive this electronically through the Hub under "Tax Information" otherwise, it will be mailed to the address on file. Please e-mail the Registrar to update any personal information including your address, name, SSN, or phone number. You can also update this information online through the Hub under "User Profile". For more information and guidance, please contact the Registrar's Office or stop by the Center for Student Services located in the lobby of College Hall.
A late payment fee in the amount of $100 may be assessed on all outstanding balances after the due date of the billing statement. Additional late payment fees of $100 may be assessed 30 months after the first late fee.
Billing statements include tentative credits for expected financial aid. This expected financial aid might include federal and state loans and grants, and outside loans. In calculating the balance due for a semester these amounts are deducted from the billing statement as if they had already been received. Nelnet (the university's third-party payment partner) monthly payment plans are also deducted from the billing statement. Please note amounts remitted from Nelnet will be reflected on the billing statement only when received by Nelnet/the university. A student account is considered satisfactory only when payment is received in full or if the total amount of actual credits combined with the total amount of expected financial aid equals or exceeds the semester’s charges.
They are the same. These terms are used interchangeably. The tuition bill is actually a statement of account because it shows all of the transactions for the current academic year, as well as displaying the unpaid balance, at any point in time.
You must visit the Bursar to establish a financial plan. We also recommend that you immediately visit the Office of Financial Aid for additional financial assistance. Financial Aid staff is available to assist you in exploring your options. Not contacting the Bursar to establish a financial payment plan will result in late payment fees. We recommend that you advise the Bursar of your financial situation in advance to avoid late payment fees.
No, not usually. Since tuition reimbursement programs usually return funds to employees directly, the university does not consider them Third Party sponsorships. You will have to pay the university by the expected billing statement due date and then obtain reimbursement from your employer.
A hold is a restriction placed on your account, your education records, or other privileges for failure to comply with your financial obligation. The Bursar places holds on student records for various reasons, the most common being failure to make payment by the payment due date.
Holds may prevent:
If a student defaults on payment of a federal Perkins loan or fails to satisfy loan exit interview requirements, a security interest in records and services will remain in effect until all requirements are satisfied.
You need to find out what type of hold is on your account and then contact the appropriate office to make arrangements to rectify the situation and remove the hold. The Bursar’s Office will only remove holds upon receiving expected payment.
The Bursar and the Office of Student Accounts are part of the Center for Student Services and are located in the lobby of College Hall, and can be reached by calling the front desk at 781.768.7270. We are also available by email. The Office of Student Accounts' fax number is 781.768.7209. Office hours during academic semesters are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and during the summer Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Limited staff is available on Fridays throughout the summer).
You should contact the Student Accounts Office by either calling 781.768.7270, visiting College Hall 221, or by email. Please be sure to include your Student ID # when you e-mail or call us, so we can identify your account in our system.
Fabricio Viquez
Maria Montiel
Assistant Bursar
By mail: Check payments can also be mailed to the university lockbox. Once received, the bank will deposit the payment and notify our office at the end of the business day. Payments received by lockbox will reflect on the statement the following business day. Please include student ID number on check and send to:
At Regis, we understand that managing college expenses can sometimes be challenging. To provide you with flexibility, we partner with Nelnet to offer a monthly payment plan each semester that coincides with the active semester. For example, fall semester plans typically run from August – December, spring plans run from January – April, and summer plans run from April – August. By dividing your college bill into manageable monthly installments, you can alleviate some financial burden.
Nelnet begins to offer its plans as soon as each semester’s bill is available. Students can access the payment plan portal through the Hub > Student Finance > Helpful Links > Set up a Payment Plan. Nelnet will allow students to create “authorized party” accounts for parents/guardians. If you have questions, please call Nelnet at 800.722.4867.
Through third party processing, a sponsor authorizes payment for tuition and other charges. The student is required to submit an authorization form to the Bursar. Once the form is completed and approved your sponsor will be billed and payment must be made directly to Regis.
New full-time undergraduate students will be billed a mandatory orientation fee and a technology fee. Seniors and graduating Graduate students will be billed a mandatory Graduation Fee. Late payment fees will be charged as required and other miscellaneous departmental charges mentioned above may be added to the billing statement during a semester. Nursing and medical imaging majors will be billed for other miscellaneous charges per the School of Nursing.
Please read further for student health insurance charges.
Bachelor completion Nursing degrees will be billed other miscellaneous charges.
The miscellaneous charges listed below will appear on your bill only if they apply. The Student Accounts Office places these charges on your bill at the request of the respective department. If you have a question regarding these charges you must contact the originating department directly.
A student who wishes to withdraw from a class or program should contact the Registrar's Office.
Students will be refunded based on the drop/withdrawal date provided by the Registrar's Office. Refunds will be delayed for any student who has not properly withdrawn. A student is responsible for any charges due to the university that have not been paid at the time of withdrawal. Any scheduled refunds to be remitted to a student will first be applied to unpaid institutional charges, if applicable.
Students who receive loan proceeds will see the loan(s) reflected as "anticipated" on their billing statement for each semester. Students will receive an e-mail notice from Financial Aid team when the funds have been credited (disbursed) to their account. Once the funding is received, it will be marked as "disbursed" on the statement instead of "anticipated".
Please note: if you are reporting a negative balance due to a loan overpayment (credit balance), we can only issue the refund once all aid funds have been disbursed.
Students who have an overpayment on their account due to a loan disbursement or tuition or housing changes will receive a refund through Nelnet. Refunds are processed automatically each week. Students have online access to update their refund preferences or to review their refund history 24/7. Nelnet will also be available to provide comprehensive customer service should you have inquiries regarding any portion of the refund process.
Students can update their refund preference through the Hub > Student Finance > Helpful Links > Update Refund Preference. Please note: if you do not select a preference, you will receive a paper check in the mail.
Massachusetts law requires all students in Massachusetts to carry health insurance either on their family’s plan or their own plan, or through a student insurance plan offered by Regis College. All undergraduate students taking nine (9) credits or more and all on-campus graduate students taking 6.75 credits or more must either demonstrate proof of comparable health insurance coverage or purchase a Student Health Insurance Plan through Regis.
This is an annual process every fall semester. We will send an e-mail once the fall bill is ready to view and when the Health Insurance waiver/enrollment begins. Students who are new/in-coming for the spring semester will receive the e-mail when spring billing is generated.