A Graduate Assistantship gives you the unique experience of gaining valuable professional skills while benefiting from a financial aid opportunity. As a graduate assistant, you'll work as a tutor or in an entry-level capacity in one of the many departments at Regis including Admission, Student Affairs, Health Services, the Young School of Nursing, the Autism Center, or Regis Online, to name a few.

Graduate Assistantships are available to graduate students who are enrolled in a minimum of six credits within their graduate program and maintain a 3.0 GPA.

There are two Graduate Assistant (GA) levels:

  1. 112.5 hours/semester: up to $2,500/semester tuition reduction 1
  2. 225 hours/semester: up to $5,000/semester tuition reduction 1

Additional responsibilities of GA positions include being a contributor to the Graduate and Professional Student Affairs Team, serving as a student representative, and sharing your academic and professional experiences within your program of study. Your contributions will account for about one hour of your work schedule per month. Our virtual and on-campus events include student orientations, career workshops, celebratory events, and social media posts introducing various students and other student engagement programming.

  1. For each semester, Graduate Assistants will receive a tuition discount of up to $2,500 or $5,000, depending on whether the position is part-time or full-time. The tuition discount will not exceed the total tuition charged. In general, Regis College may reduce the amount of any award, scholarship, tuition discount, or tuition benefit if the total amount exceeds the amount a student is charged in tuition. In other words, no student will receive a refund if their awards, scholarships, tuition discounts, or tuition benefits amount to more than the tuition charged.
  • How to Apply

    • Once positions have been posted, you may review and apply for any position that interests you by submitting the GA application and your resume to the supervisor listed.
    • Supervisors will review all applications and will contact those whom they wish to interview.
    • In the event that you are not chosen for a particular job, you will be notified and given the opportunity to apply for a different position as availability allows.
  • For Faculty/Staff

    • Requests for Graduate Assistants will be approved or denied based on budget availability.
    • Notice of approval or denial will be emailed to the supervisor listed on the request form.
    • Once a request is approved, a job posting will be added to the GA webpage.
    • Students will submit their application and resume directly to the supervisor. The supervisor will be responsible for reviewing applications, interviewing applicants, and making the final hiring decision.
    • Once a GA has been hired, supervisors will send their name to graduateaffairs@regiscollege.edu. The student will receive a contract and the office of financial aid will be notified.
    • Supervisors are responsible for notifying any applicants who were not hired.
    • Supervisors of GAs are responsible for creating and enforcing the schedule for their GA, including monitoring hours and work performed.
    • The student hired as a GA must follow the academic calendar which corresponds with the modality of their program when creating their schedule. For example, a student in an online program will follow the graduate online calendar, and a student in a campus-based program will follow the graduate on-campus academic calendar.
    • Supervisors of GAs are responsible for confirming that their GA is enrolled in at least six credits per term, and that they are maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA to remain eligible for their position.
    • Supervisors must confirm with Graduate Affairs at the end of each term whether their GA is continuing in their role for the next term.
    • Any change in a GA's ability to complete their required hours for the term must be communicated to Graduate Affairs and the Financial Aid office.
    • Any questions about financial aid should be communicated directly to the Financial Aid office.
  • Additional Information

    • Current Graduate Assistants must reapply annually to be reconsidered for a subsequent year. Positions are not automatically renewed.
    • No homework may be done during GA hours.
    • The schedule will be determined and set by the GA supervisor.
    • Supervisors reserve the right to terminate the GA position at any point during the semester based on GA’s failure to fulfill job or academic responsibilities.
    • Regis’s current policy is not to award institutional funds over the cost of tuition and fees. For example, if a student has a Graduate Assistantship and a tuition discount in one semester, Regis will reduce the discount, so that it does not go over the institutional charges. Students are not eligible for a refund greater than the amount of tuition. The discounted benefit will be capped at the amount of tuition for the semester the student is to receive both institutional benefits.
    • For each semester, Graduate Assistants will receive a tuition discount of up to $2,500 or $5,000, depending on whether the position is part-time or full-time. The tuition discount will not exceed the total amount of tuition charged.
    • In general, Regis College may reduce the amount of any award, scholarship, tuition discount, or tuition benefit if the total amount exceeds the amount a student is charged in tuition. In other words, no student will receive a refund if their awards, scholarships, tuition discounts, or tuition benefits amount to more than the tuition charged.
    • The student hired as a GA must follow the academic calendar which corresponds with the modality of their program when creating their schedule. For example, a student in an online program will follow the graduate online calendar, and a student in a campus-based program will follow the graduate on-campus academic calendar.
  • Open Positions for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

    Please submit the GA Application to apply for a position below: