Last week Northern Essex Community College (NECC) President Glenn and I signed a new joint admissions agreement. We have been proud partners with NECC since 2015 and this updated agreement will enhance the transfer process between our institutions and provide realistic pathways for students who wish to earn a bachelor's degree. In Regis’ nearly 100-year history, our purpose has remained the same—to increase access to higher education and empower individuals to pursue a better quality of life. This is an extension of that mission. Read the full announcement here.
The Serving Thy Dear Neighbor student club got in the holiday spirit with a "Get Cozy with Chick-fil-A" event where they made and donated 20 blankets to Project Linus of Greater Boston while listening to holiday music and watching a seasonal movie. Pictured below from left are the club's executive board members Caroline Spaulding '26, Olivia Wilson '26, Katherine Trach '26, Sienna Diezel '26, and Helen Brewer '26.
They chose this organization as the beneficiary of their volunteerism because it provides support by donating the blankets to babies, children, and adults in our immediate surrounding community who are in the hospital, have experienced trauma, or could use the warmth and comfort the blankets provide. Club member Haily Shea '26 said "Small acts of kindness like this can make someone’s day better." I couldn't agree with you more!
The Club is incorporating the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston's values of love and service of the Dear Neighbor without distinction and care for all God’s creation in this project, and are making it an annual event because of all the positive feedback and support they received from the Regis community!
Speaking of small acts of kindness, students in CO 200-01 Media Lab: Publishing The Regis Herald created a "25 Days of Kindness" Instagram challenge where they post daily on @Regis_Herald suggestions of an act of kindness. Follow for some great simple suggestions that can make someone's day.
Another wonderful example of kindness is the Glee Singers (pictured below) performing for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston at Bethany Health Care Center in Framingham. The students loved the experience of performing there from Founders' Day, and wanted to do it again—during finals week! They sang a pre-Mass concert of Christmas music on Monday. We are very proud of the selflessness of these singers who wanted to bring joy to others during this busy week of the semester.
Heather Josselyn-Cranson tells me that when she heard back from Bethany to confirm the performance, her contact said they prayed that very morning for all of the Sisters who had passed away, including Sister Margaret William McCarthy, teacher of music at Regis for many years. It’s hard not to think that Sister Margaret somehow oversaw this venture, ensuring that our students stay connected to the CSJs.
Ryan Andrews, health and fitness studies assistant professor, is doing some great work in the nutrition program. In the food science and preparation class students used kale from our own greenhouse to make a celery root soy chorizo stew and dill to make quick dill pickles.
Ryan also led students on a trip to Taza Chocolate in Somerville, MA, to learn more about how to source and process chocolate that is "seriously good and fair for all." Chocolate, although popular and delicious, often involves all sorts of human exploitation. Thanks, Ryan, for providing this insightful experience!
Congrats to Speech-Language Pathology alums Chelsea Viveiros '23 and Brianna Bottaro '23 who presented their original research (with SLP Assistant Professor Emily Laubscher) at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in Boston in November. They won a meritorious poster award for their project titled "Do Common AAC Systems Include Words Needed for Robust Language Modeling? Considerations for Beginning Communicators."
Another great alum achievement, Elizabeth Burke-Roberts '23 will deliver an oral presentation at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Conference in August 2024 based on her DNP scholarly practice project "An Educational Intervention to Improve Pediatric Food Allergy Knowledge in Nurses." Elizabeth was also awarded a travel grant scholarship award to attend the conference. Congratulations!
Kelly Brochu, assistant to the president for special projects, served as the keynote speaker for the New England Association for Graduate Enrollment Management (NEGAP) fall 2023 conference. Kelly's keynote that engaged approximately 100 graduate enrollment practitioners is titled, "Wearing Multiple Hats: Navigating Role Conflict in Graduate Enrollment." The presentation was framed by her research around role conflict and graduate student staff members.
Associate Dean of Nursing Mary Lou Cullen, Assistant Professor of Nursing Jennifer DiBenedetto, and DNP Program Director Donna Barry attended the AACN Transform Conference where Donna presented on how health policy is taught in nursing schools. Well done!
It was wonderful to welcome alumni, students, faculty, and staff to last night’s Regis Women’s Network (RWN) Women Who Inspire Speaker Series. Kimberly Brown, owner of Manifest Yourself and career and leadership expert, gave an inspiring career development talk based on her book Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You’ll Love. Thank you to Institutional Advancement for hosting the event and bringing the Regis community together through the RWN. If you have ideas for the RWN or suggestions for future events or speakers, please reach out to the Institutional Advancement team. And stay tuned for more on the next RWN event in March!
Institutional Advancement also co-hosted Brunch with Santa with the Regis Children's Center (RCC) for 110 RCC families and Regis alums last week. Undergraduate Honors students volunteered, as well as Brian Lane and Leslie Bishop who dressed up as Santa and Mrs. Claus.
RCC is still accepting donations to benefit the pediatric floor at the South Shore Hospital. They are delivering the gifts tomorrow so you still have time to drop off donations at RCC through Friday morning.
Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Executive Director of Boston's Public Health Commission and key advisor to Mayor Wu. We were at the Mass. Health and Hospital Association's Women Supporting Women event and I was thrilled to introduce her session. She was very impressed with our student body and academic programs and we're planning for her to visit campus soon.
A belated but heartfelt thank you to all who generously supported the Dear Neighbor Fund and Regis Hospitality Center this semester. Proceeds from the Founders' Day 'Walk the Track' event, sponsored by the Student Business Association and the Honors Society, grossed $2,000! Last week, $239 was raised at the faculty, staff, and trustees Christmas party. In addition, the nursing staff donated a bag of goods for the Hospitality Center.
President's Notes will take a hiatus during the winter break and resume in January. Please accept my very best wishes for a peaceful holiday season and a very happy new year.