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The Bachelor of Science in Financial Planning builds upon the university’s strength in business and the liberal arts to provide students with applied financial services skills for challenging, well-compensated employment with banks, investment firms, law firms, insurance providers, and consulting enterprises. It will also prepare students considering an MBA, MSF, MSA, or other graduate study.
Graduates of the BS in Financial Planning will be able to:
The BS in Financial Planning qualifies students to sit for the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) examination, one of the professional certifications in highest demand. Graduates will encounter a very strong job market in investment advisement, banking, insurance, healthcare, and education. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job openings in financial services is expected to grow much faster than average, with mean salaries of over $105K annually. Typical positions include:
Students who elect to pursue the BS in Financial Planning must meet the same admission requirements as for all other Regis undergraduate students in the Marshall M. Sloane School of Business and Communication.