Students are expected to review and track their own progress towards completion of degree requirements. This is provided as a sample guideline - it does not reduce the importance of careful and regular discussions between a student and their academic advisor.

Important Reminders:

  1. Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits. This sample shows 120 credits.
  2. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0.

Year One

Fall Semester
RC 101 First Year Seminar 13
EN 105 Writing Seminar I 13
QR 103S Quantitative Reasoning Statistics 44
Natural Science I 1, 23
Philosophy 1, 23
Spring Semester
FYS-Linked Course 1, 2, 33
EN 106 Critical Reading, Thinking, Writing 13
SMT 216 Introduction to Sport Management3
MA 210 Statistics 43
Natural Science II 1, 24

Year Two

Fall Semester
HFS 211 Health and Wholeness3
SMT 213 Sport in Society3
MT 203 Introduction to Leadership/Management4
Expressive Arts 1, 23
History 1, 23
Physical Education Course1
Spring Semester
Ethics 1, 23
SMT 340 Sport Event Management and Promotion3
MT 204 Organizational Behavior 13
CO 203 Introduction to Communication3
Religious Studies 1, 23
Physical Education Course1

Year Three

Fall Semester
SMT 355 Facilities Design, Operations and Management3
IPE 306 Research Methods3
EXS 355 Psychology of Exercise and Sport3
Literature 1, 23
Minor or Elective Course3
Spring Semester
HFS 208 CPR and First Aid3
SMT 345 Legal Issues in Sport Management3
PS 233 Introduction to Human Development3
MT 210 Managerial Accounting3
Minor or Elective Course3

Year Four

Fall Semester
SMT 342 Sport Marketing and Technology3
HFS 412 Internship/Seminar4
Minor or Elective Course3
Minor or Elective Course3
Spring Semester
SMT 356 Athletic Administration and Sport Governance3
HFS 413 Internship/Seminar 54
Minor or Elective Course3
Minor or Elective Course3
  1.  Core requirement.
  2.  Core requirement that may be taken in any order.
  3.  FYS-Linked Course satisfies one core requirement—that core for SM should be HFS 150.
  4.  Students must successfully complete or place out of QR 103 in order to take MA 210.
  5.  All students are required to complete an e-portfolio as part of graduation requirements—this is completed through the major’s capstone course.