Earn your BS in Nursing and become an RN in just 16 months for those holding a bachelor's in a non-nursing field.

Prerequisite Requirements

The bachelor's is earned at Regis over 12 courses totaling 60 credits. Prerequisite courses may be completed at Regis or any accredited two or four-year institutions. All prerequisites must be completed prior to program start:

CourseCreditsMust have been completed:
BI 105 Anatomy and Physiology I w/Lab4Within the past seven years from intended start date
BI 106 Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab4Within the past seven years from intended start date
BI 108 Microbiology w/Lab4Within the past seven years from intended start date
CH 105 Chemistry I A4Within the past 10 years from intended start date
CH 105 Chemistry II A4Within the past 10 years from intended start date
MA 210 Statistics3No limit
PS 233 Human Development (or equivalent)3No limit
  1. We offer a combined four-credit chemistry course at Regis (CH 105 Introduction Chemistry/Lab) that counts for both Chemistry prerequisites if you have not met this requirement.

We strongly encourage applicants to complete four of the seven prerequisite courses (preferably the physical sciences with labs) in order to be reviewed for admission. All prerequisites must be completed with a B- or above before the start of the program.

Curriculum Plans

For more information about the program please contact our graduate admission counselor: